Friday, May 8, 2020
The Economic System Of A Mixed Economy System Essay
Most countries around the world, including Canada, rely on a mixed market economy system in which the allocation of most resources, goods and services is determined by supply and demand through markets and prices. This system has many flaws, including environmental damage, high income inequality both within and between countries, resource depletion and so on. When I think of alternative economic system, I have to go back to the basics of mixed economic system, what actually is and what it does. In every kind of society we have to consider two things; how it produces goods and services and how these goods and services are of the flaws of is that it tends to learn more on the governmental control than the freedom of individuals. Sometimes, government regulations may cost company so much that it put it out of market hence paralyzing production features (Tsuruta, 1997). This encourages social democratic programs which retain capitalist’s mode of production. The program also retain fundamental issues of capitalism such as cynical fluctuations, exploitation and alienation. Another government negative is that it decides the amount of tax on products which may lead to hike of the prices of such products hence people unwillingness to buy. Lack of price control management can cause deficiencies in goods hence bringing market imbalance. Social democracy is mostly flawed for maintaining a property-owning capitalist class which actively reverse social democraticShow MoreRelatedFour Different Economic Systems and Which One I Think Best Suits South Africas Mixed Economy1448 Words  | 6 Pagesthe three key economic questions has lead to the evolvement of four different economics systems which i will critically analyse in this assignment. 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